          軍中賣官案 駭客趙少康_20090410_1/3_軍中賣官案 You are President, you must not involve any military fair. You need to demand you law makers to make law to clearly limited your politician in the Government site. Your Presi 部落格dent must have no right to promote any military member rank (You are the President, you must not follow your previous low lower lowest like that sucking "Lee.Done.Wheel" and "Chen.Sway.Ben" committed, that how you need to kill your sucking existing P 部落格residents "Lee.Done.Wheel" and "Chen.Sway.Ben" or anyone you think they are linked to your sucking Presidents too sticky to get a life by self. You do the kill, you need openly to the public report. Like you order to kill both "ChenSwayBen" and "LeeDoneWhe 售屋網el", you must openly tell the public after both of them killed by your sniper or snipers at their free time. You don't kill anyone who does not own the public power, you leave those evil doers who don't own public pow 買房子er to be killed by your civilians indivisual will. That means your civilians can have right to kill anyone freely, but only civilians can have right to kill civilians freely.), military promotion (Therefore, that so called 軍中賣官案, you can only tr 酒店經紀y anyone involved is non-military member, that must include your existing Presidents "Lee.Done.Wheel" and "ChenSwayBen", it is the heavy crime of lie, therefore, must be sentenced to die to cut their government tie. Military is out of your government form, therefore, 酒肉朋友 they lie they can all die for their lie as they like, like 趙少康 said "怎麼打仗"? Military does not rely on voice to fight, therefore, they lie not your life. Politicians must rely on voice to govern, you cannot afford anyone of you to get away of the crime of lie. Yes, there's gray l 訂做禮服ine between lie and duck. You may duck if under press or force. But President must not be allowed to bend to press or force, because President has all his right to stay inside his President House the entire his term and to kill anyone in order to shut that anyone up inside his President House, therefore, President 租房子must not show up to trap himself into that duck. ) must belong to military self to handle. Military must keep lawless Godless as military likes. In order to help your military to do better, in order to guard your people's right, you must clearly make law says that every Taiwanese man must have right to own fire arms to kill or 土地買賣 be killed, therefore, anyone died under one good gun shot must be declared as most merciful die; any suspected complicated murder case must belong to civil court, because without the Ghost site comply, no one can be killed.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 澎湖民宿  .

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